GPT Privacy Policy

AI Business Solutions GPTs Interface Service Privacy Policy

AI Business Solutions GPTs Interface Service Privacy Policy

Effective Date: December 16, 2023


Welcome to the AI Business Solutions GPTs Interface Service. This privacy policy is intended for users of the AI Business Solutions GPTs Interface Service. AI Business Solutions, located at UAH I2C Bldg, Room 340, 301 Sparkman Dr, Huntsville, AL 35899, is dedicated to safeguarding your data and ensuring the privacy of users engaging with our services.

Data Handling Practices


GPTs are authenticated through their respective platforms. AI Business Solutions does not store any personal data from the GPTs or the authentication process.

Data Collection:

AI Business Solutions does not actively collect personal information from GPTs. Interaction data, such as selected text, generated interactions, and content created through the AIBusinessSolutions.AI platform, is gathered solely to process user inquiries and to enhance service performance.

Data Storage:

Collected data is securely stored within the United States, with a focus on data security and privacy integrity.

Content Generation and Rights

Content Creation:

The AI Business Solutions GPTs Service includes a feature for content generation. AI Business Solutions generates long-form content based on user requests, which is public and can be accessed via a provided URL on AIBusinessSolutions.AI.

Anonymity and Access:

Content is created through a user-initiated process via GPTs. Consequently, AI Business Solutions cannot obtain specific user information and cannot determine the exact ownership of the generated content.

Rights and Distribution:

Due to the anonymous nature of content creation and the challenge in attributing specific ownership, the generated content is considered public domain. AI Business Solutions retains the rights to use, distribute, and repurpose the content but acknowledges that it is generated based on user input and will respect the spirit of user contributions in its use of such content.

Data Sharing

When GPTs initiate requests to AI Business Solutions servers, these may be forwarded to OpenAI, Microsoft, or other AI service providers. Data sharing is limited to the content provided by the GPTs, ChatGPT, and their generated queries.

Policy Modifications

AI Business Solutions may update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our data handling practices or due to shifts in legal, operational, or regulatory directives, without necessarily providing additional notice.

Disclaimer: Some of the sections in this document may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links, the owner of the GPT service may receive a commission. This does not affect the price you pay. Thank you for supporting our service.

Contact Information

For more information on our privacy policies, inquiries, or to submit a complaint, please contact:

AI Business Solutions
UAH I2C Bldg, Room 340
301 Sparkman Dr
Huntsville, AL 35899
Email: info@AIBusinessSolutions.AI